The Time Series Database Platform Optimized for Speed and Scale
Built for developers to reduce Time to Awesome in any industry.
Discover InfluxDB for your industry
IoT Monitoring and Analytics
Single source of truth for real-time metrics, events, logs, and traces
Explore MoreNetwork
Generate real-time insights into network health, connectivity, security, and more
Explore MoreSaaS Operational Monitoring
Create a time series backend to power observability and real-time analytics for end users
Explore MoreAMQP RabbitMQ Performance Metrics
Aerospike Monitoring
Alerta Monitoring
Alibaba CloudMonitor Service (Aliyun)
Amazon CloudWatch Logs Output Telegraf Plugin
Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring
Amazon CloudWatch Statistics Telegraf Input Plugin
Amazon ECS Metrics
Amazon Kinesis Monitoring
Apache ActiveMQ Monitoring
Apache Aurora Schedulers Monitoring
Apache HTTP Server Metrics
Apache Kafka Burrow Monitoring
Apache Kafka Monitoring Tool
Apache Mesos Monitoring
Apache Solr Telegraf Monitoring
Apache Superset
Apache Tomcat Monitoring
Apache Zipkin Monitoring
Apache Zookeeper Monitoring
Apcupsd Monitoring
Arista Lanz Consumer Monitoring
Azure Data Explorer Telegraf Output Plugin
Azure Storage Queue Monitoring
BIND 9 DNS Server Monitoring
Bcache Telegraf Monitoring
Beanstalkd Monitoring
Beat Telegraf Plugin
Bond Interfaces Monitoring
C# and InfluxDB
CPU Performance Metrics
Cassandra Metrics Monitoring
Ceph Storage Platform Monitoring
Chrony Network Time Protocol Monitoring
Cisco Model-Driven Telemetry Monitoring
Cisco gNMI Telemetry Monitoring
Connection Tracking “Conntrack” Monitoring
Consul Monitoring
Control Groups Monitoring
CouchDB Performance Database Monitoring
Couchbase Server Monitoring
DNS Query Monitoring
Disk Telegraf Monitoring
DiskIO Metrics for Monitoring
Docker Container Monitoring
Dovecot Protocol Monitoring
Elasticsearch Search Engine Monitoring
Ethtool Command Monitoring
Event Hub Consumer Telegraf Plugin
Fail2ban Monitoring
Fibaro System Monitoring
FireBoard Thermometer Monitoring
GitHub Metrics for Monitoring
Go and InfluxDB
Google Cloud PubSub Push Telegraf Input Plugin
Google Data Studio Monitoring
Google Stackdriver Metrics
Graylog Monitoring Metrics
HTTP Listener v2 Monitoring
Hddtemp Monitoring
High Availability Proxy Metrics
HipChat Monitoring
Hue Bridge Telegraf Input Plugin
IPMI Sensor Monitoring
IPtables Monioring
Icinga 2 Monitoring
InfluxDB Scraper
Internet Speed Monitor Telegraf Input Plugin
Interrupts Monitoring
Ipset Monitoring
JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Monitoring
Java and InfluxDB
JavaScript and InfluxDB
Jenkins API Monitoring
Jolokia2 Agent Telegraf Input Plugin
KNX Telegraf Input Plugin
Kapacitor and Slack Metrics
Kepware OPC Monitoring
Kernel Input Monitoring
Kernel VMStat Telegraf Input Plugin
Kubernetes Inventory Monitoring
Kubernetes Monitoring
LeoFS Monitoring Integration
Linux Sysctl FS Monitoring
Lustre Monitoring Tool
MQTT Consumer Telegraf Input Plugin
MQTT Producer Telegraf Output Plugin
MailChimp Metrics Monitoring
Mcrouter Monitoring
Mem Monitoring
Memcached Monitoring Integration
Mesosphere DC/OS Telegraf Input Plugin
Microsoft Azure Monitor Telegraf Output Plugin
Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring
Modbus Master Monitoring
MongoDB Performance Monitoring Database
Monit Management and Monitoring
MySQL Performance Monitoring Database
NATS Server Analytics Monitoring
NSQ Monitoring
NVIDIA SMI Telegraf Input Plugin
Neptune Apex Monitoring
Net Monitoring
Netstat Telegraf Input Plugin
Network Response Monitoring
Nginx Monitoring
OPC Unified Architecture Monitoring
OpenNTPD Monitoring
OpsGenie Monitoring
PF Monitoring
PHP-FPM Monitoring
PagerDuty System Monitoring
PgBouncer Monitoring
Phusion Passenger Monitoring
Ping ICMP Monitoring
PostgreSQL Database System Monitoring
PostgreSQL Output Plugin
PowerDNS Monitoring Integration
PowerDNS Recursor Monitoring
Processes Monitoring
Procstat Monitoring
Prometheus Client Telegraf Output Plugin
Prometheus System Monitoring Tool
Prometheus Telegraf Input Plugin
Puppet Monitoring Tool
Python and InfluxDB
Quix for InfluxDB
RabbitMQ Monitoring Cluster
Redis Sentinel Monitoring
RethinkDB Monitoring
Ruby and InfluxDB
S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring
SNMP Agent Protocol Monitoring
Sampled Flow Monitoring
Scala and InfluxDB
Sensors Data Monitoring
Siemens S7 Comm Telegraf Input Plugin
Socket Listener Monitoring
Suricata Telegraf Input Plugin
Swap Memory Monitoring
Synproxy Telegraf Input Plugin
Syslog Server Monitoring
Sysstat Performance Monitoring
System Metrics for Monitoring
Temp Telegraf Input Plugin
Unbound Telegraf Input Plugin
VMware vSphere Monitoring
VictorOps Incident Management Monitoring
Windows OS Services Monitoring
Windows Performance Counters Monitoring
Wireless Telegraf Input Plugin
X.509 Certificate Monitoring
ZFS Telegraf Input Plugin
Try InfluxDB Cloud
The most powerful time series database as a service is a click away.