JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Monitoring

Powerful performance with an easy integration, powered by Telegraf, the open source data connector built by InfluxData.


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Table of Contents

Powerful Performance, Limitless Scale

Collect, organize, and act on massive volumes of high-velocity data. Any data is more valuable when you think of it as time series data. with InfluxDB, the #1 time series platform built to scale with Telegraf.

See Ways to Get Started

Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI) is a push mechanism to collect operational metrics for monitoring the health of a network that has no scaling limitations. Unlike JTI, traditional pull mechanisms like SNMP and the CLI - which require additional processing to periodically poll the network element - directly limit scaling.

Why use the JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Telegraf plugin?

The JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Telegraf Plugin reads the Juniper Networks implementation of OpenConfig telemetry data from listed sensors using the Junos Telemetry Interface. This data is helpful when monitoring the performance of any Jupiter devices that you may have in your environment. Compared to traditional pull mechanisms, the Junos Telemetry data is streamed in real time to allow network administrators to measure trends in link and node utilization, and troubleshoot such issues as network congestion in real time.

SNMP may still be used in your environment by other networking devices, so using a variety of Telegraf plugins to pull in all of your networking and infrastructure performance data will give you a complete view of your stack.

Refer to openconfig.net for more details about OpenConfig and Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI).

How to monitor with the JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Telegraf Plugin

When using the JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Telegraf plugin, you need to list the addresses of the devices that you plan to collect the telemetry data from. This may also require authentication details such as username, passwork, client ids, and certs. You can also set the frequency of the data collection depending on your monitoring needs and retention policies.

Data can be collected for each individual device or groups of devices and you can aggregate data over fixed time spans such as:

  • Data for the same metric over fixed spans of time; for instance, the average number of physical interface ingress errors over a 30-second interval.
  • Data from different sources (such as multiple line cards) for the same metric, such as label-switched path (LSP) statistics or filter counter statistics.
  • Data from multiple sources, such as input and output statistics for aggregated Ethernet interfaces.

Key JTI OpenConfig Telemetry metrics to use for monitoring

Some of the important JTI OpenConfig Telemetry metrics that you should proactively monitor include:

  • Errors
  • Packets
  • Packet counts
  • Bytes
  • Allocated buffer size
For more information, please check out the documentation.

Project URL   Documentation

Powerful Performance, Limitless Scale

Collect, organize, and act on massive volumes of high-velocity data. Any data is more valuable when you think of it as time series data. with InfluxDB, the #1 time series platform built to scale with Telegraf.

See Ways to Get Started

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