RethinkDB Monitoring
Use This InfluxDB Integration for FreeRethinkDB is a free and open-source, NoSQL, distributed document-oriented database originally created by the company of the same name. The database stores JSON documents with dynamic schemas, and is designed to facilitate pushing real-time updates for query results to applications.
Telegraf Input Plugin: RethinkDB
Monitor, manage, and track your RethinkDB performance metrics.
RethinkDB Basics
RethinkDB makes building and scaling real-time apps dramatically easier:
- RethinkDB is the first open source, scalable JSON database built from the ground up for the real-time web.
- RethinkDB’s real-time push architecture dramatically reduces the time and effort necessary to build scalable real-time apps.
- RethinkDB also offers a flexible query language, intuitive operations and monitoring APIs.
For more information, please check out the documentation.