Quix Streams for InfluxDB

Use This InfluxDB Integration for Free

Why use Quix for InfluxDB?

Quix for InfluxDB allows you to build real-time data pipelines that pre-process data and trigger actions—all in Python. If you already know Python, it’s the perfect alternative to Kapacitor and Flux. You can then use Quix to detect events and trigger actions in external systems. Quix is a fully-managed cloud platform, but you can also deploy it on your own on-premise infrastructure to build a hybrid edge-to-cloud data platform.

How to use this integration

To use this integration, you need an Apache Kafka server running somewhere—Quix uses Kafka to store alerts and for intermediate calculation steps.

You can sign up for a free trial account on the Quix website.

Once you have an account, create a project, create an initial environment, then create an application.

Define the following environment variables:

  • output: The name of the output Kafka topic that will receive the stream (Default: influxdb, Required: True). If the topic doesn’t exist, it gets created automatically on first run.
  • task_interval: Interval to run query. Must be in InfluxDB notation; 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w, 1mo, 1y (Default: 5m, Required: True)
  • INFLUXDB_HOST: Host address for the InfluxDB instance. (Default: eu-central-1-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com, Required: True)
  • NFLUXDB_TOKEN: Authentication token to access InfluxDB. (Default: TOKEN, Required: True)
  • INFLUXDB_ORG: Organization name in InfluxDB. (Default: ORG, Required: False)
  • INFLUXDB_DATABASE: Database name in InfluxDB where data is stored. (Default: DATABASE, Required: True)
  • INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT_NAME: The InfluxDB measurement to read data from. If not specified, the name of the output topic will be used, (Required: False)

The following code runs in the Quix IDE, which you’ll see after you create your first application (you can also work locally by creating an application from this code using the Quix samples library).

# Import utility modules
import os
import random
import json
import logging
from time import sleep

# Import vendor-specific libraries
from quixstreams import Application
from quixstreams.models.serializers.quix import JSONSerializer, SerializationContext
import influxdb_client_3 as InfluxDBClient3

# Initialize logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Create a Quix Application
app = Application.Quix(consumer_group="influxdb_sample", auto_create_topics=True)

# Define a serializer for messages, using JSON Serializer for ease
serializer = JSONSerializer()

# Define the topic using the "output" environment variable
topic_name = os.environ["output"]
topic = app.topic(topic_name)

influxdb3_client = InfluxDBClient3.InfluxDBClient3(token=os.environ["INFLUXDB_TOKEN"],

measurement_name = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT_NAME", os.environ["output"])
interval = os.environ.get("task_interval", "5m")

# Global variable to control the main loop's execution
run = True

# InfluxDB interval-to-seconds conversion dictionary
    "s": 1,
    "m": 60,
    "h": 3600,
    "d": 86400,
    "w": 604800,
    "y": 31536000,

# Helper function to convert time intervals (like 1h, 2m) into seconds for easier processing.
# This function is useful for determining the frequency of certain operations.
def interval_to_seconds(interval: str) -> int:
        return int(interval[:-1]) * UNIT_SECONDS[interval[-1]]
    except ValueError as e:
        if "invalid literal" in str(e):
            raise ValueError(
                "interval format is {int}{unit} i.e. '10h'; "
                f"valid units: {list(UNIT_SECONDS.keys())}")
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unknown interval unit: {interval[-1]}; "
            f"valid units: {list(UNIT_SECONDS.keys())}")

interval_seconds = interval_to_seconds(interval)

# Function to fetch data from InfluxDB and send it to Quix
# It runs in a continuous loop, periodically fetching data based on the interval.
def get_data():
    # Run in a loop until the main thread is terminated
    while run:
            query_definition = f'SELECT * FROM "{measurement_name}" WHERE time >= now() - {interval}'
            print(f"Sending query {query_definition}")
            # Query InfluxDB 3.0 using influxql or sql
            table = influxdb3_client.query(

            table = table.drop(columns=["iox::measurement"])

            # If there are rows to write to the stream at this time
            if not table.empty:
                # Convert to JSON for JSON-to-bytes serializer
                json_result = table.to_json(orient='records', date_format='iso')
                yield json_result
                print("query success")
                print("No new data to publish.")

            # Wait for the next interval

        except Exception as e:
            print("query failed", flush=True)
            print(f"error: {e}", flush=True)

def main():
    Read data from the Query and publish it to Kafka

    # Create a pre-configured Producer object.
    # Producer is already setup to use Quix brokers.
    # It will also ensure that the topics exist before producing to them if
    # Application.Quix is initialized with "auto_create_topics=True".

    with app.get_producer() as producer:
        for res in get_data():
            # Parse the JSON string into a Python object
            records = json.loads(res)
            for index, obj in enumerate(records):
                # Generate a unique message_key for each row
                message_key = f"INFLUX_DATA_{str(random.randint(1, 100)).zfill(3)}_{index}"
                logger.info(f"Produced message with key:{message_key}, value:{obj}")

                # Serialize row value to bytes
                serialized_value = serializer(
                    value=obj, ctx=SerializationContext(topic=topic.name)

                # publish the data to the topic

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

You can find more details on how to run and deploy an application in the Quix documentation.

Once the data is in Quix, you can process it using another Quix service and write it back into InfluxDB. For inspiration, see the Quix Template Gallery.

When you’re ready to write the data back into InfluxDB, use the corresponding InfluxDB input connector.

Note that the connectors covered here are for InfluxDB 3.x, but there is also an input connector for InfluxDB 2.x in the Quix Samples Library.

For more information, please check out the documentation.

Project URL   Documentation

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