
InfluxData builds on open standards to deliver seamless integration with all your preferred platforms.

InfluxDB works with the tools you love

300+ Collectors
Client Libraries
Lakehouse / Warehouse

300+ Data Collectors

Prebuilt Telegraf plugins for easy integration

Effortlessly integrate your favorite systems across the spectrum of IT offerings, from applications to services, databases to containers.

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Client Libraries

Code in the languages you love with InfluxDB

InfluxDB offers client libraries that simplify integrating time series data into your applications using all your favorite programming languages.

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Lakehouses / Warehouses

InfluxDB works seamlessly with your data store

InfluxDB uses open source standards to facilitate interoperability. Enable your data lakehouse or warehouse to query your time series data in real time.

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300+ Data Collectors

Prebuilt Telegraf plugins for easy integration

Effortlessly integrate your favorite systems across the spectrum of IT offerings, from applications to services, databases to containers.

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Client Libraries

Code in the languages you love with InfluxDB

InfluxDB offers client libraries that simplify integrating time series data into your applications using all your favorite programming languages.

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Lakehouses / Warehouses

InfluxDB works seamlessly with your data store

InfluxDB uses open source standards to facilitate interoperability. Enable your data lakehouse/warehouse to query your time series data in real time.

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Explore all integrations

AMQP RabbitMQ Performance Metrics

AMQP Consumer Telegraf Input Plugin provides a consumer for use with AMQP 0-9-1.

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Aerospike Monitoring

The Aerospike Input Plugin queries Aerospike servers and gets node statistics.

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Alerta Monitoring

Sends alerts for consolidation and de-duplication via a JSON API.

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Alibaba CloudMonitor Service (Aliyun)

The Alibaba CloudMonitor Service (Aliyun) Telegraf Input Plugin pulls metric statistics from Aliyun CMS.

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Amazon CloudWatch Logs Output Telegraf Plugin

The Amazon CloudWatch Logs Output Telegraf Plugin allows you to send logs from your applications and infrastructure to AWS CloudWatch.

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Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring

The Amazon CloudWatch Output Telegraf Plugin sends metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.

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Amazon CloudWatch Statistics Telegraf Input Plugin

The Amazon CloudWatch Statistics Input Plugin pulls metric statistics from AWS CloudWatch.

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Amazon ECS Metrics

Amazon ECS input plugin gathers stats on running containers in a task.

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Amazon Kinesis Monitoring

The Amazon Kinesis Consumer Input Plugin reads from a Kinesis data stream.

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Apache ActiveMQ Monitoring

The ActiveMQ input plugin gathers queues, topics, and subscriber metrics.

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Apache Aurora Schedulers Monitoring

The Aurora Input Plugin gathers metrics from an Apache Aurora Scheduler.

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Apache HTTP Server Metrics

The Apache HTTP Server Input Plugin collects server performance information.

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Apache Kafka Burrow Monitoring

The Burrow Input Plugin collects Apache Kafka topic, consumer, and partition status.

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Apache Kafka Monitoring Tool

The Apache Kafka Consumer input plugin polls a specified Kafka topic.

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Apache Mesos Monitoring

The Apache Mesos input plugin gathers metrics from Mesos.

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Apache Solr Telegraf Monitoring

The Apache Solr Input Plugin collects stats using the MBean Request Handler.

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Apache Superset

Apache Superset is a data visualization tool that makes it easy to build charts and dashboards which display data from a number of different data sources.

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Apache Tomcat Monitoring

The Apache Tomcat input plugin collects statistics available from the manager status page.

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Apache Zipkin Monitoring

The Zipkin plugin gathers trace and timing data to troubleshoot latency problems.

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Apache Zookeeper Monitoring

The Zookeeper Input Plugin reads `mntr` stats and collects the outputted variables.

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Apcupsd Monitoring

The Apcupsd plugin reads data from an apcupsd daemon, facilitating power management and control.

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Arista Lanz Consumer Monitoring

The Arista LANZ Consumer plugin provides a consumer for use with LANZ.

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Azure Data Explorer Telegraf Output Plugin

The Azure Data Explorer output plugin writes metrics to Azure Data Explorer.

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Azure Storage Queue Monitoring

The Azure Storage Queue plugin gathers sizes of Azure Storage Queues.

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BIND 9 DNS Server Monitoring

This plugin decodes the JSON or XML statistics provided by BIND 9 nameservers.

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Bcache Telegraf Monitoring

The Bcache plugin gets statistics from the `stats_total` directory and `dirty_data` file.

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Beanstalkd Monitoring

The Beanstalkd input plugin collects server stats as well as tube stats.

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Beat Telegraf Plugin

The Beat Input Plugin collects metrics from Beat instances.

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Bond Interfaces Monitoring

The Bond Input Plugin collects network bond interface and slaves interfaces status.

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CPU Performance Metrics

The CPU Telegraf input plugin gathers metrics about CPU usage.

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Cassandra Metrics Monitoring

This plugin collects Cassandra 3 / JVM metrics exposed as MBean attributes.

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Ceph Storage Platform Monitoring

This input plugin collects performance metrics from the MON and OSD nodes.

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Chrony Network Time Protocol Monitoring

The Chrony input plugin gets standard chrony metrics, requires chrony executable.

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Cisco Model-Driven Telemetry Monitoring

This input plugin consumes telemetry data from various Cisco platforms.

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Cisco gNMI Telemetry Monitoring

This input plugin consumes telemetry data similar to the GNMI specification.

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Connection Tracking “Conntrack” Monitoring

The Conntrack Input Plugin collects stats from Netfilter's conntrack-tools.

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Consul Monitoring

Collect statistics about all health checks registered in the Consul (via the Consul API).

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Control Groups Monitoring

The CGroup input plugin captures specific statistics per cgroup.

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CouchDB Performance Database Monitoring

Gather the statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.

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Couchbase Server Monitoring

This plugin allows you to read per-node (memory) and per-bucket (quota, disk, memory) metrics from Couchbase.

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DNS Query Monitoring

The DNS Query Telegraf Plugin gathers DNS query times in milliseconds.

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Disk Telegraf Monitoring

The Disk Telegraf Plugin gathers metrics about disk usage by mount point.

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DiskIO Metrics for Monitoring

The DiskIO Input Plugin gathers metrics about Disk I/O by device.

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Docker Container Monitoring

Metrics from the Docker engine API.

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Dovecot Protocol Monitoring

Dovecot is an open source IMAP and POP3 email server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security primarily in mind.

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Elasticsearch Search Engine Monitoring

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

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Ethtool Command Monitoring

The Ethtool Telegraf Plugin gathers ethernet device statistics.

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Event Hub Consumer Telegraf Plugin

The Azure Event Hub Consumer Telegraf Input Plugin collects metrics from Azure Event and IoT Hubs.

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Fail2ban Monitoring

The Fail2ban input plugin gathers counts of failed and banned IP addresses.

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Fibaro System Monitoring

The Fibaro input plugin makes HTTP calls to the Fibaro controller API.

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FireBoard Thermometer Monitoring

The Fireboard input plugin gathers real time temperature data from Fireboard thermometers.

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GitHub Metrics for Monitoring

GitHub Telegraf Input Plugin gathers repository information from GitHub-hosted repositories.

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Go and InfluxDB

Build IoT, analytics, and cloud applications using the Go client library with InfluxDB.

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Google Cloud PubSub Push Telegraf Input Plugin

This plugin listens for messages sent using HTTP POST requests from Google Cloud PubSub.

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Google Data Studio Monitoring

Data Studio Connector lets users query datasets from InfluxDB v2 instances through the InfluxDB API.

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Google Stackdriver Metrics

The Stackdriver Input Plugin gathers metrics from the Stackdriver Monitoring API.

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Graylog Monitoring Metrics

Data from remote Graylog service URLs (multiple & namespaces endpoints).

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HTTP Listener v2 Monitoring

This is a service input plugin that listens for metrics sent via HTTP.

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Hddtemp Monitoring

The Hddtemp Input Plugin reads data from `hddtemp` daemons.

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High Availability Proxy Metrics

The HAproxy input plugin gathers metrics directly from any running HAproxy instance.

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HipChat Monitoring

Sends alerts via HipChat webservice for group chat, video chat & screensharing.

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Hue Bridge Telegraf Input Plugin

The Hue Bridge Telegraf Input Plugin gathers smart home statistics from Hue Bridge devices.

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IPMI Sensor Monitoring

This input plugin queries the local machine or remote host sensor statistics.

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IPtables Monioring

The IPtables Input Plugin gathers packets and bytes counters for rules.

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Icinga 2 Monitoring

The Icinga 2 Input Plugin gathers status on running services and hosts.

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InfluxDB Scraper

InfluxDB scrapers collect data from specified targets at regular intervals, then write the scraped data to an InfluxDB bucket.

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Internet Speed Monitor Telegraf Input Plugin

The Internet Speed Monitor Telegraf Input Plugin collects data about the internet speed for a system.

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Interrupts Monitoring

The Interrupts Telegraf Plugin gathers metrics about IRQs, including `interrupts`.

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Ipset Monitoring

The Ipset input plugin gathers packets and bytes counters from Linux `ipset`.

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JTI OpenConfig Telemetry Monitoring

This input plugin reads Juniper Networks implementation of OpenConfig telemetry data.

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JavaScript and InfluxDB

Build IoT, analytics, and cloud applications using the Javascript client library with InfluxDB.

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Jenkins API Monitoring

This plugin collects information about the nodes (disk, mem, swap, etc) and jobs running in a jenkins instance (duration, result_code).

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Jolokia2 Agent Telegraf Input Plugin

This input plugin reads JMX metrics from Jolokia agent REST endpoints.

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KNX Telegraf Input Plugin

The KNX Telegraf Input Plugin listens for messages on the KNX (Konnex) home-automation bus.

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Kapacitor and Slack Metrics

Sends alerts to IT, Ops & Dev teams for on-call duty & escalation via instant messaging communication platform.

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Kernel Input Monitoring

The Kernel Input Plugin gathers kernel statistics from `/proc/stat`.

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Kernel VMStat Telegraf Input Plugin

The Kernel VMStat Input Plugin gathers virtual memory statistics from /proc/vmstat.

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Kubernetes Inventory Monitoring

Generates metrics derived from the state of the various Kubernetes resources.

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Kubernetes Monitoring

Pods/containers metrics (cpu, mem, disk, etc) from the kubelet API.

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LeoFS Monitoring Integration

LeoFS is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store.

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Linux Sysctl FS Monitoring

The Linux Sysctl FS Inputl Plugin provides Linux system level file metrics.

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Lustre Monitoring Tool

Monitors Lustre using Proc filesystem.

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MQTT Consumer Telegraf Input Plugin

The MQTT Consumer Telegraf Input Plugin allows you to receive messages from MQTT brokers.

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MQTT Producer Telegraf Output Plugin

The MQTT Producer Telegraf Output Plugin allows you to send messages to MQTT brokers from Telegraf.

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MailChimp Metrics Monitoring

Pulls email campaign reports from the Mailchimp API.

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Mcrouter Monitoring

The Mcrouter Input Plugin gathers statistics data from a mcrouter instance.

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Mem Monitoring

The Mem Input Plugin collects system memory metrics.

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Memcached Monitoring Integration

Memcached is a free and open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.

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Mesosphere DC/OS Telegraf Input Plugin

The Mesosphere DC/OS input plugin gathers metrics from a DC/OS cluster's metrics component.

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Microsoft Azure Monitor Telegraf Output Plugin

The Microsoft Azure Monitor Output Plugin sends custom metrics to Microsoft Azure Monitor.

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Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring

This plugin provides metrics for your SQL Server instance. It currently works with SQL Server 2008 SP3 and newer.

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Modbus Master Monitoring

The Modbus Input Plugin collects `discrete_inputs`, `coils`, `input_registers` and `holding_registers`.

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MongoDB Performance Monitoring Database

MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program, published under the GNU Affero General Public License.

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Monit Management and Monitoring

This input plugin gathers metrics and status information about systems managed by Monit.

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MySQL Performance Monitoring Database

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).

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NATS Server Analytics Monitoring

NATS Server is a simple, high performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications, IoT messaging, and microservices architectures.

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NSQ Monitoring

NSQ is a real-time messaging platform that's distributed, scalable, ops-friendly, and integrated.

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NVIDIA SMI Telegraf Input Plugin

The NVIDIA SMI input plugin pulls GPU stats from the NVIDIA SMI binary.

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Neptune Apex Monitoring

The Neptune Apex controller family allows an aquarium hobbyist to monitor and control their tanks based on various probes.

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Net Monitoring

The Net input plugin gathers metrics about network interface usage (Linux only).

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Netstat Telegraf Input Plugin

The Netstat Input Plugin gathers TCP metrics such as established, time-wait and sockets counts.

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Network Response Monitoring

This plugin tests UDP/TCP connections response time and can optional verify text in the response.

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Nginx Monitoring

nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev.

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OPC Unified Architecture Monitoring

OPC-UA Telegraf plugin enables avoiding paying excessive fees to build collectors to gather information into your traditional historian solution.

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OpenNTPD Monitoring

The OpenNTPD input plugin gathers standard Network Time Protocol (NTP) query metrics.

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OpsGenie Monitoring

Sends alerts to IT, Ops & Dev teams for on-call duty & escalation.

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PF Monitoring

The PF input plugin gathers information from the FreeBSD/OpenBSD pf firewall.

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PHP-FPM Monitoring

PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size, especially busier sites.

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PagerDuty System Monitoring

Keep track of operations and trigger notification conditionals so decrease time reacting to incidents.

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PgBouncer Monitoring

The PgBouncer Telegraf Input Plugin gathers metrics from PgBouncer.

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Phusion Passenger Monitoring

Phusion Passenger provides easy, scalable and reliable web app deployment for Ruby, Python, Node.js, and Meteor.

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Ping ICMP Monitoring

This plugin measures the round-trip for ping commands, response time, and other packet statistics.

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PostgreSQL Database System Monitoring

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture.

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PostgreSQL Output Plugin

PostgreSQL Output plugin writes metrics to PostgreSQL sources.

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PowerDNS Monitoring Integration

This input plugin gathers metrics about PowerDNS using UNIX sockets.

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PowerDNS Recursor Monitoring

The PowerDNS Recursor Input Plugin gathers metrics about PowerDNS Recursor using UNIX sockets.

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Processes Monitoring

The Processes input plugin gathers info about the total number of processes.

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Procstat Monitoring

The procstat input plugin collects process performance and usage data.

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Prometheus Client Telegraf Output Plugin

The Prometheus Client Output Plugin exposes metrics for Prometheus servers to poll.

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Prometheus System Monitoring Tool

Metrics from HTTP servers exposed in the Prometheus format.

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Prometheus Telegraf Input Plugin

The Prometheus input plugin gathers metrics from HTTP servers.

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Puppet Monitoring Tool

Puppet monitoring tool overlooks the status of the server—the success or failure of actual puppet runs on the end nodes themselves.

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Python and InfluxDB

Use the Python Client Library to write and query InfluxDB.

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Quix for InfluxDB

You can use Quix to query, analyze, and act on data without learning a new scripting syntax.

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RabbitMQ Monitoring Cluster

RabbitMQ is open source message broker software (sometimes called message-oriented middleware) that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

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Redis Sentinel Monitoring

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.

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RethinkDB Monitoring

RethinkDB is a free and open-source, NoSQL, distributed document-oriented database originally created by the company of the same name.

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S.M.A.R.T. Monitoring

The S.M.A.R.T input plugin collects data about hard drive health across your system.

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SNMP Agent Protocol Monitoring

This plugin is commonly used for bandwidth monitoring by collecting and organizing information about devices on IP networks.

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Sampled Flow Monitoring

The sFlow Input Plugin provides support for acting as an sFlow V5 collector in accordance with the specification from

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Sensors Data Monitoring

The Sensors Input Plugin collects sensor metrics from the `lm-sensor` package.

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Siemens S7 Comm Telegraf Input Plugin

The Siemens S7 Comm Telegraf Input Plugin gathers data from Siemens PLC using the gos7 library.

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Socket Listener Monitoring

The Socket Listener Input Plugin listens for messages from streaming or datagram protocols.

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Suricata Telegraf Input Plugin

The Suricata Input Plugin reports internal performance counters of the Suricata IDS/IPS engine.

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Swap Memory Monitoring

Supports: Linux only. The Swap Input Plugin gathers metrics about swap memory usage.

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Synproxy Telegraf Input Plugin

The Synproxy Input Plugin gathers Synproxy metrics. Synproxy is a Linux netfilter module used for SYN attack mitigation.

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Syslog Server Monitoring

Syslog is a protocol standard that describes how log messages should be formatted and transmitted.

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Sysstat Performance Monitoring

The sysstat input plugin collects system performance and usage data.

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System Metrics for Monitoring

The System input plugin gathers stats on system load, uptime, and number of users logged in.

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Temp Telegraf Input Plugin

The Temp Input Plugin gathers metrics on system temperature.

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ThingWorx Kepware OPC Monitoring

Collecting and storing tag data, at scale, with Kepware and InfluxDB is easy.

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Unbound Telegraf Input Plugin

The Unbound Input Plugin gathers statistics from Unbound, a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.

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VMware vSphere Monitoring

The VMware vSphere input plugin uses the vSphere API to gather metrics from multiple vCenter servers.

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The Vector ecosystem integration writes observability data to InfluxDB.

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VictorOps Incident Management Monitoring

Sends alerts to IT, Ops & Dev teams for on-call duty & escalation.

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Windows OS Services Monitoring

The Windows Services input plugin reports Windows services info.

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Windows Performance Counters Monitoring

The Windows Performance Counters input plugin reads Performance Counters on the Windows operating system.

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Wireless Telegraf Input Plugin

The Wireless Input Plugin gathers metrics about wireless link quality.

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X.509 Certificate Monitoring

The X.509 Certificate input plugin provides information about X.509 certificate.

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ZFS Telegraf Input Plugin

The ZFS Input Plugin collects metrics from ZFS file systems.

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