BIRCH for Anomaly Detection with InfluxDB
In this tutorial, we’ll use the BIRCH (balanced iterative reducing and clustering using hierarchies) algorithm from scikit-learn with the ADTK (Anomaly Detection Tool Kit) package to detect anomalous CPU behavior. We’ll use the InfluxDB 2.0 Python Client to query our data...
Anomaly Detection with Median Absolute Deviation
When you want to spot containers, virtual machines (VMs), servers, or sensors that are behaving differently from others, you can use the Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) algorithm to identify when a time series is “deviating from the pack”. In this tutorial,...
Exploring Geo-Temporal Flux
Flux recently added geo-temporal capabilities to its arsenal, and I have been exploring how to effectively use this new combination of time series and geolocation data. To help get you started, we’ll cover a geo-temporal overview and then look into a...
TL;DR Tech Tips — Flux Time Ranges
In this post, we share some basics about working with time ranges in Flux. Q: What's the role of time ranges in Flux queries? A: Flux requires a time range when querying InfluxDB. “Unbounded” queries are very resource-intensive and as a...
TL;DR InfluxDB Tech Tips Flux Timestamps
In this post, we share some quick examples of how you can work with timestamps in Flux. Q: What timestamp formats are available in Flux? A: There are two timestamp formats available: Unix timestamp A Unix timestamp counts time since Unix...
Contributing Third Party Flux Packages: A Discord Endpoint Flux Function
Are you currently using Flux with InfluxDB? Have you written a great Flux function that would be useful to the community? If the answers to these questions are “Yes!”, then I encourage you to contribute your awesome work to Flux, so...
Flux and Static Analysis
?Have you seen this when using the Flux code editor? Pretty neat to be able to get that much help from an editor while writing code. ?Have you ever wondered how that worked? Today, I’ll take us on a bit of...
Getting Excited for Flux Training: IoT-Sensor-Enabled Pizza Making
Our upcoming Flux Training (June 8-9) will be using an IoT-sensor-enabled pizza oven and corresponding time-stamped data as an example. You will be learning Flux while discussing how the temperature and the humidity levels of a pizza oven can impact the...
Tracking COVID-19 Data in South America Using Telegraf and InfluxDB
This article was written by InfluxDB Community member Ignacio Van Droogenbroeck. Ignacio is a DevOps Engineer based in Uruguay. He started a blog about ten years ago, and writes about IT Infrastructure, Cloud, Docker, Linux and Observability. I wanted to better...
InfluxData Community Update Q1 2020
At InfluxData, we love the community! Our amazing open source members are an integral part of InfluxData and have been since its founding. They’ve helped us build amazing products for time series data. This is a quick update to give you...