Flux Windowing and Aggregation
Today, we’re talking about queries. Specifically, we’re talking about Flux queries, the new language being developed at InfluxData. You can read about why we decided to write Flux and check out the technical preview of Flux. If you’re an InfluxDB user,...
A UX Review of Flux Joins vs. Pandas Joins
InfluxData recently released the latest versions of Chronograf and InfluxDB. With them comes the technical preview of Flux. Flux is the new query language and engine for time series data. The documentation for Flux can be found here. In a previous...
InfluxDB: How to Do Joins, Math across Measurements
If you’re part of the InfluxData community, then you’ve probably wanted to perform math across measurements at some point. You did some googling and stumbled on this GitHub issue 3552 and shed a small tear. Well, today I get to be...
Making Flux Queries in Rails
Now that we’ve launched Flux, a combination query and scripting language, you’re probably eager to start playing around with it in your apps. We’re in the process of building libraries for a number of languages, but in the meantime, you can...
How To: Building Flux Queries in Chronograf
As you all may or may not know (and if you don’t, you haven’t been reading my posts!), I’ve built an embedded IoT gateway proof of concept device that runs (of course) InfluxDBreally the entire TICK Stackand collects data from connected...
Learning Flux (#fluxlang) is About As Difficult As Learning an API
Flux (#fluxlang) is the new data scripting language that we’re creating to make querying and analyzing time series and other kinds of data quick and easy. Flux will be able to work with data from InfluxDB, Prometheus, relational databases, CSV files,...
Why We're Building Flux, a New Data Scripting and Query Language
Last month I gave a talk at InfluxDays London about Flux (#fluxlang), the new query and scripting language we’re building for InfluxDB 2.0. One of the more common questions I get when I talk about Flux is why? Why would you...
Schema Queries in Flux (formerly IFQL)
InfluxQL facilitates schema exploration via a number of meta queries, which include SHOW MEASUREMENTS, SHOW TAG KEYS, SHOW TAG VALUES and SHOW FIELD KEYS. Flux (formerly IFQL) has united these concepts, such that schema is made up of tags keys and values. This unification provides greater...
Announcing Flux (formerly IFQL) v0.0.5 with 12+ New Functions
This release represents a big leap forward for Flux. In the first part of the release cycle, we focused on formalizing the way query operations are chained within Flux. Once that was complete we tried it out, and quickly found that...
Announcing Flux (formerly IFQL) v0.0.4
We recently released v0.0.4 of IFQL - Influx Query Language [now called Flux]. With the holidays at the end of the year, we were a little slow getting this release out. Going forward, we expect to release every two weeks. This...