InfluxData Blog

The platform for building time series applications in less time with less code.


Katy Farmer

Flux Windowing and Aggregation

Today, we’re talking about queries. Specifically, we’re talking about Flux queries, the new language being developed at InfluxData. You can read about why we decided to write Flux and check out the technical preview of Flux. If you’re an InfluxDB user,...

Sonia Gupta

Making Flux Queries in Rails

Now that we’ve launched Flux, a combination query and scripting language, you’re probably eager to start playing around with it in your apps. We’re in the process of building libraries for a number of languages, but in the meantime, you can...

Stuart Carnie

Schema Queries in Flux (formerly IFQL)

InfluxQL facilitates schema exploration via a number of meta queries, which include SHOW MEASUREMENTS, SHOW TAG KEYS, SHOW TAG VALUES and SHOW FIELD KEYS. Flux (formerly IFQL) has united these concepts, such that schema is made up of tags keys and values. This unification provides greater...

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