Time Series Basics
Session date: Jan 09, 2025 08:00am (Pacific Time)
In this live training from InfluxDB University, we will define what time series data is (and isn’t), how the problem domain time series differs from more traditional data workloads like full-text search, and examine how InfluxDB is differentiated from other proposed solutions. This one-hour session includes the training and time for Q&A.
What you’ll learn:
- What is time series data
- What makes time series data unique
- What is a time series database and how it is different from other DB types

Anais Dotis-Georgiou
Developer Advocate, InfluxData
Anais Dotis-Georgiou is a Developer Advocate for InfluxData with a passion for making data beautiful with the use of Data Analytics, AI, and Machine Learning. She takes the data that she collects, does a mix of research, exploration, and engineering to translate the data into something of function, value, and beauty. When she is not behind a screen, you can find her outside drawing, stretching, boarding, or chasing after a soccer ball.