Why You Should NOT Be Using a Relational DB for Time-Stamped Data
Session date: Oct 08, 2019 11:00am (Pacific Time)
We are always looking for ways to make our solutions work better and smarter. We accomplish this by tracking the performance of each of the components underlying our solution. All this critical performance data has a timestamp and a value - also known as time series data. If this important time-stamped data is at the heart of initiatives to keep things performant, why are we entrusting this data to an ordinary relational database?
In this webinar, Daniella Pontes of InfluxData will review why you should use a time series database (TSDB) for your important time series data and not one of the traditional datastores you may have used in the past. She will discuss how time series databases are built with specific workloads and requirements in mind, including the ability to ingest millions of data points per second; to perform real-time queries across these large data sets in a non-blocking manner; to downsample and evict high-precision, low-value data; to optimize data storage to reduce storage costs; and to perform complex time-bound queries to extract meaningful insight from the data. All these are capabilities you would have to build yourself when using a traditional database.

Daniella Pontes
Senior Manager Product Marketing, InfluxData
Daniella Pontes is part of the product marketing team at InfluxData, San Francisco. She started her career in telecommunications, wireless technology and global Internet service provisioning. As security became a major concern for enterprises, she worked on enterprise policy management, SaaS and data encryption solutions. Prior to joining InfluxData, she spent some years living in Japan, Germany, and Brazil, working for an online agency developing and managing the Brazilian market. Having worked in various market segments, from embedded smart antenna technology to Internet security and e-commerce doing product management, partnerships, marketing and business development, she has a broad experience working cross-functionally and with customers and partners. Daniella is passionate about nature, art, and science. She dearly loves animals and plants, being a strong advocate for preservation, open and green spaces. In her free time, she loves reading, writing and chatting with friends about social fairness while enjoying a cup of coffee.