Unlocking the Power of Your Industrial Data

Session date: May 04, 2021 08:00am (Pacific Time)

The need to modernize and consolidate access to time-stamped data created by sensors and equipment has become even more critical to increase machine, operational and business efficiencies. By moving away from monolithic, legacy and siloed systems and toward agile solutions, companies will gain visibility into their data and efficiency in their infrastructure deployments.

In this session PTC shares their experience, partnering with InfluxData, to help companies extract value from their IoT data and maximize the performance of their monitoring systems to increase operational capabilities and stay competitive.

In this session you'll learn:
  • Best practices for scaling and testing your industrial metrics solution
  • How to get the most performance out of your digital data solution by using a database optimized for time-stamped data
  • How open source technologies can be used to create modular and upgradable solutions to accelerate IoT service innovation
featured speaker

Mike Jasperson

Vice President (VP), Internet of Things (IoT) Enterprise Deployment Center (EDC)

Mike Jasperson is Vice President of the IOT Enterprise Deployment Center at PTC. As part of his role, Mike leads a team that develops reference implementations of PTC's industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platforms and solutions to accelerate the success of customers and partners in their own implementations. Using these reference implementations for high-scale simulations, the IOT EDC produces benchmarks, baselines and best practices, as well as informing future product direction.