Understanding InfluxDB Basics: Tags, Fields and Measurements

Session date: Aug 31, 2021 08:00am (Pacific Time)

Is it a table? No, it is much more! Finally understand tags, fields and measurements.

In this session, you will learn how to answer your real-life questions with data stored in InfluxDB. You will see that InfluxDB is more than some tables; it is a window to the world of your data. In particular, the usage of tags, fields and measurements enhances the time series database and helps answer your questions in a convenient and fast way, if you know what to do. Discover tips and tricks to use while implementing InfluxDB.

All topics are addressed in the context of IoT monitoring, predictive maintenance and medical applications.

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featured speaker

Thomas Heid

Senior Consultant, ASTRUM IT

Thomas Heid is Senior Consultant at ASTRUM IT. He is focused on exploring and innovating data processes resulting in customized solutions.

In 2018, he earned his PhD in Neutrino Astronomy, written about the evaluation of sensor data and the development of algorithms specifying the sensitivity. This research was done within the European collaboration KM3NeT. Today, Thomas is passionate about building solutions enabling the user to focus on their strengths in daily work. To fulfill this vision, Thomas leads different projects with consultants and software developers. Outside the office, Thomas enjoys competing in track and field, especially in combined events.