Scaling Prometheus Metrics in Kubernetes with Telegraf
Session date: Mar 16, 2020 09:00am (Pacific Time)
In this talk, Chris Goller of InfluxData, will focus on a variety of architectures using Telegraf to scale scraping in Kubernetes and empower developers. He’ll describe his experiences around scaling /metrics in the microservices of InfluxData’s Cloud 2.0 Kubernetes system.
Learning Objectives:
- Be familiar with Kubernetes monitoring requirements
- Best practices to combine pull and push methods to achieve scalable observability
- Learn how to use a time series platform to monitor all aspects of your Kubernetes deployment

Chris Goller
Architect, InfluxData
As an Architect with 20 years of experience, Chris Goller brings tremendous energy and expertise to InfluxData. In particular, Chris likes to try out using new technologies and sharing his learnings with the staff at InfluxData as well as with the community.