InfluxDB Live Product Training
Session date: Nov 23, 2021 08:00am (Pacific Time)
Join us for a live InfluxDB training to learn how to easily ingest at scale in a matter of seconds to help you build powerful time-series-based applications. Join our 45-minute demos with experts who will showcase key InfluxDB features and answer questions live from the audience.
After attending this training, attendees will be able to:
- Use sample data sets to try out various visualization options
- Utilize the available data ingestion methods to construct a data pipeline to InfluxDB
- Leverage Notebooks to collaborate with team members
- Gain best practices for InfluxDB, Telegraf and Flux

Brian Keene
Solutions Engineer, InfluxData
Brian Keene is a Solutions Engineer at InfluxData where he helps users get up and running with InfluxDB Cloud. He has a strong background in guiding development teams to design scalable cloud-based applications and leveraging InfluxDB for time series workloads. He holds a BA in Economics from Sonoma State University and is actively studying Computer Science at UC Berkeley. Outside of work, he spends his time riding bicycles and venturing the Pacific Northwest with his labrador (Huey).