Deliver Unrivaled End-User Experience With Confidence - How Synthetic Monitoring Can Help
Session date: Jun 26, 2019 11:00am (Pacific Time)
Description: DevOps engineers would love to measure the performance and availability of every page of a website or application. It’s easy enough to do technically. Just attach a Synthetic User Monitor to each page and then see the results in an easy-to-use data presentation tool. The snag is that it can be expensive since Synthetic User Monitoring tools usually come as part of a large Application Performance Monitoring package.
In this webinar, learn how you can use open source tools as a powerful option for Synthetic Monitoring and be on the road to building observability into your applications.
SPEAKERS: Daniella Pontes, Senior Product Marketing Manager at InfluxData Sean Mack, CEO and Founder of xOps Larry Gordon, CRO of xOps