InfluxDB 3 Core

Open source, high-speed data engine. Built for real-time.

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Time series starts with InfluxDB open source. 
InfluxDB 3 Core deploys in seconds.


High-Speed Recent Data Queries

Query data in milliseconds


High-Performance Data Engine

Columnar engine for high-speed analytics, object storage, and real-time data insights


Open and Flexible Licensing

Built on MIT and Apache 2 for maximum freedom and collaboration

Why InfluxDB 3 Core

Bringing the power of InfluxDB 3 to open source for the first time

High-Speed Ingest

Ingest billions of series with fewer CPUs and less RAM

Real-Time Querying

Sub-10 millisecond query responses for live and recent data

Unlimited Cardinality

Ingest, transform, and query unlimited time series with unmatched speed and flexibility

Low-Cost Object Storage

Parquet files store more data with less space

Seamless Integration

Integrate with the tools you love via Python-based plugin systems

Native SQL

Analyze data using simple SQL or InfluxQL, a SQL-like language for time series data

Build faster with a high-speed recent data engine

Power Real-Time Use Cases

Built for unmatched performance in real-time monitoring, data collection, and streaming analytics

Diskless Architecture

Maximum flexibility by operating directly on object storage for dynamic setups

Embedded Python for High-Speed Data Processing

Build plugins and triggers to transform and monitor data directly within the database

Open data standards drive performance and interoperability

InfluxDB 3 is built in Rust and the FDAP stack—Flight, DataFusion, Arrow, and Parquet—leveraging Apache-backed technologies to efficiently ingest, store, and analyze time series data at any scale.


Flight for efficient columnar data transfer


DataFusion for high-performance querying


Arrow for optimized in-memory columnar analytics


Parquet for high-compression storage


The Spirit of Open Source

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