
Crosser designs and develops a hybrid-first Streaming Analytics & Integration software for any Cloud, On-premise or Edge. The Crosser Platform enables real-time processing of streaming, event-driven or batch data for Intelligent Pipelines & Automations and for Industrial IoT data flows. The data processing can be done on the edge, on-premise at the factory floor, in your data center or in any cloud. All managed from a single cloud-based Control Center and powered by a low-code and low-effort experience.

The solution is built to fight complexity with simplicity through the Crosser Flow Studio, the visual design tool that enables teams to innovate faster than ever without developers. The software is ideally suited for Enterprise customers of various industries and applications, including Edge Analytics, Industrial Connectivity, Industry 4.0, Streaming Analytics, Hybrid Integration and Intelligent Workflows.

Crosser and InfluxData

The powerful combination of Crosser’s low-code streaming analytics platform and InfluxDB creates an ideal solution for modern industrial data management. Together they enable seamless real-time industrial data processing close to the data sources, integrating edge intelligence with scalable, high-performance time-series storage and analytics.

While Crosser excels at collecting and processing real-time data from industrial machines, InfluxDB’s schema-less, high-performance time series database provides the perfect complement for flexible data storage. This partnership overcomes the limitations of traditional historians by offering an open, integrated approach – Crosser handles the complex edge analytics and data processing, while InfluxDB’s optimized storage and REST APIs ensure the data remains accessible and adaptable to changing IIoT requirements. Together, they deliver a solution that bridges the gap between operational technology and modern digital systems, enabling organizations to build customizable data historian analytical solutions that can easily integrate with visualization tools like Grafana and other external applications.


How to get started with Crosser and InfluxDB


Step 1: Set Up InfluxDB

  1. Create a new bucket in InfluxDB to store your data
  2. Generate an API token with write permissions
  3. Note down the following details:
    • Organization ID
    • Bucket name
    • API token
    • InfluxDB URL (e.g., cloud or your self-hosted URL)

Step 2: Configure Crosser Flow

  1. Log in to Crosser Control Center
  2. Create a new flow or edit an existing one
  3. Add an “InfluxDB Insert” module to your flow
  4. Create a credential for your InfluxDB instance, using the organization ID and API token from above.
  5. Configure the module with:
  • Bucket: “YOUR_BUCKET_NAME”
  • Measurement: “YOUR_MEASUREMENT_NAME”

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