Feed Yard Industrial Solutions provides over 30+ years of experience in electrical, automation, and millwright services. They have developed the knowledge and expertise to install, maintain or upgrade anything within industrial environments.
FYI Solutions’ Data Boss control system lets customers receive alarms about any critical conditions of their industrial systems, view up-to-the-minute data of any statistics, and view or export historical data from now to any time in the past. FYI Solutions uses InfluxDB to ingest and store hundreds of thousands of data points per minute from all of its remote sites across the country. Along with that, the company uses InfluxDB to power its alarming, notification, reporting and web view services.
FYI Solutions migrated to InfluxDB in 2019. InfluxDB has allowed them to ingest large data points very quickly without having to use a large collection of hardware. It has made a massive improvement when it comes to how fast they can ingest data, how fast they can interact with that data after ingest, and how their customers can access data online, via email or through alarming and notifications.
FYI Solutions deals with a growing number of sites as it onboards more customers, as well as a growing number of data points that it collects per site (starting from hundreds, to now hundreds of thousands). Its previous solution was struggling when it came to ingesting that data and being reliable to the point where the company couldn’t keep its service on for an extended period of time. InfluxDB has saved FYI Solutions given this time series database’s performance, high ingest rate and how flexible and powerful the query language is when they build reports or use it for notifications.
Max Allen, a developer at FYI Solutions, recommends InfluxDB for being a really easy product to set up, configure and work with when it comes to developing and production. He appreciates the high performance and ingest for any sort of time series, log or other related data storage and management. The add-on tools such as Telegraf and Chronograf make sending, interacting with and visualizing data easy without the need to tinker with any additional tools, while the HTTP API makes it great for connecting and controlling InfluxDB with other tools or custom applications.
Allen recommends exploring how InfluxDB stores data with sharding and also recommends reading up on how to send data to InfluxDB correctly to allow it to properly index and store the data without performance hits.
30+ years
Experience in industrial electrical, automation and millwright services
Data points collected per minute from remote sites
Better alerting
Improved critical condition monitoring of industrial systems
Technologies Used
“InfluxDB is a really easy product to set up, configure and work with when it comes to developing and production.”