AXA (Euronext:AXA) is a French multinational insurance firm headquartered in Paris that engages in global insurance, investment management and other financial services. AXA is the brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies. AXA companies offer financial protection and wealth management and are premier providers of advice, retirement strategies, employee benefits and life insurance. AXA has been providing stability and reliability to its clients since 1859 to help them live their lives with confidence, and enable them to realize dreams for their loved ones and their legacy.
AXA Asia uses InfluxDB to store metrics gathered from user activity on their website, servers and applications. They display the computed metrics, from the values gathered, on their Grafana dashboard. The data is also used to trigger alerts based on certain user behavior characteristics. This solution is used in Japan and key European websites. The AXA team appreciates the easy-to-use APIs and that the solution can store lots of metrics and events.