Since 1978, ACS Technologies has developed outstanding technology solutions specifically for faith-based organizations. Each of the company’s products and services are designed to work together to increase your organization’s efficiency and effectiveness, allowing you to take your ministry to the next level. Through their cloud-based management solution, ACST enables churches to manage groups, events, finances, donor relationships, volunteers, staff, child care, schedules, mailings, reporting, websites, growth strategies and so much more. Whether online, offline, or wireless, the tools you need to help you connect your community are totally integrated under one roof.
InfluxDB’s fast read and write times and reduced memory usage allow ACS Technologies’ cloud-based real-time analytics platform to create living heat maps with location data from users, either in real time or from any 24-hour period within the last six months. It enables users to see when and where clients are using their products, or when and where events are occurring.
50,000+ customers
Improving operational efficiency and effectiveness
24x7 insights
Continuous visibility into mobile and web platform usage
Faster analytics
Shorter read and write times and reduced memory usage
Technologies Used