Choosing the right database is a critical choice when building any software application. All databases have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to performance, so deciding which database has the most benefits and the most minor downsides for your specific use case and data model is an important decision. Below you will find an overview of the key concepts, architecture, features, use cases, and pricing models of Apache Druid and PostgreSQL so you can quickly see how they compare against each other.

The primary purpose of this article is to compare how Apache Druid and PostgreSQL perform for workloads involving time series data, not for all possible use cases. Time series data typically presents a unique challenge in terms of database performance. This is due to the high volume of data being written and the query patterns to access that data. This article doesn’t intend to make the case for which database is better; it simply provides an overview of each database so you can make an informed decision.

Apache Druid vs PostgreSQL Breakdown

Database Model

Columnar database

Relational database


Druid can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or using a managed service

PostgreSQL can be deployed on various platforms, such as on-premises, in virtual machines, or as a managed cloud service like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, or Azure Database for PostgreSQL.


Apache 2.0

PostgreSQL license (similar to MIT or BSD)

Use Cases

Real-time analytics, OLAP, time series data, event-driven data, log analytics, ad tech, user behavior analytics

Web applications, geospatial data, business intelligence, analytics, content management systems, financial applications, scientific applications


Horizontally scalable, supports distributed architectures for high availability and performance

Supports vertical scaling, horizontal scaling through partitioning, sharding, and replication using available tools

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Apache Druid Overview

Apache Druid is an open-source, real-time analytics database designed for high-performance querying and data ingestion. Originally developed by Metamarkets in 2011 and later donated to the Apache Software Foundation in 2018, Druid has gained popularity for its ability to handle large volumes of data with low latency. With a unique architecture that combines elements of time series databases, search systems, and columnar storage, Druid is particularly well-suited for use cases involving event-driven data and interactive analytics.

PostgreSQL Overview

PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is an open-source relational database management system that was first released in 1996. It has a long history of being a robust, reliable, and feature-rich database system, widely used in various industries and applications. PostgreSQL is known for its adherence to the SQL standard and extensibility, which allows users to define their own data types, operators, and functions. It is developed and maintained by a dedicated community of contributors and is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Apache Druid for Time Series Data

Apache Druid is designed for real time analytics and can be a good fit for working with time series data that needs to be analyzed quickly after being written. Druid also offers integrations for storing historical data in cheaper object storage so historical time series data can also be analyzed using Druid.

PostgreSQL for Time Series Data

PostgreSQL can be used for time series data storage and analysis, although it was not specifically designed for this use case. With its rich set of data types, indexing options, and window function support, PostgreSQL can handle time series data. However, Postgres will not be as optimized for time series data as specialized time series databases when it comes to things like data compression, write throughput, and query speed. PostgreSQL also lacks a number of features that are useful for working with time series data like downsampling, retention policies, and custom SQL functions for time series data analysis.

Apache Druid Key Concepts

  • Data Ingestion: The process of importing data into Druid from various sources, such as streaming or batch data sources.
  • Segments: The smallest unit of data storage in Druid, segments are immutable, partitioned, and compressed.
  • Data Rollup: The process of aggregating raw data during ingestion to reduce storage requirements and improve query performance.
  • Nodes: Druid’s architecture consists of different types of nodes, including Historical, Broker, Coordinator, and MiddleManager/Overlord, each with specific responsibilities.
  • Indexing Service: Druid’s indexing service manages the process of ingesting data, creating segments, and publishing them to deep storage.

PostgreSQL Key Concepts

  • MVCC: Multi-Version Concurrency Control is a technique used by PostgreSQL to allow multiple transactions to be executed concurrently without conflicts or locking.
  • WAL: Write-Ahead Logging is a method used to ensure data durability by logging changes to a journal before they are written to the main data files.
  • TOAST: The Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique is a mechanism for storing large data values in a separate table to reduce the main table’s disk space consumption.

Apache Druid Architecture

Apache Druid is a powerful distributed data store designed for real-time analytics on large datasets. Within its architecture, several core components play pivotal roles in ensuring its efficiency and scalability. Here is an overview of the core components that power Apache Druid.

  • Historical Nodes are fundamental to Druid’s data-serving capabilities. Their primary responsibility is to serve stored data to queries. To achieve this, they load segments from deep storage, retain them in memory, and then cater to the queries on these segments. When considering deployment and management, these nodes are typically stationed on machines endowed with significant memory and CPU resources. Their scalability is evident as they can be expanded horizontally simply by incorporating more nodes.
  • Broker Nodes act as the gatekeepers for incoming queries. Their main function is to channel these queries to the appropriate historical nodes or real-time nodes. Intriguingly, they are stateless, which means they can be scaled out to accommodate an increase in query concurrency.
  • Coordinator Nodes have a managerial role, overseeing the data distribution across historical nodes. Their decisions on which segments to load or drop are based on specific configurable rules. In terms of deployment, a Druid setup usually requires just one active coordinator node, with a backup node on standby for failover scenarios.
  • Overlord Nodes dictate the assignment of ingestion tasks, directing them to either middle manager or indexer nodes. Their deployment mirrors that of the coordinator nodes, with typically one active overlord and a backup for redundancy.
  • MiddleManager and Indexer Nodes are the workhorses of data ingestion in Druid. While MiddleManagers initiate short-lived tasks for data ingestion, indexers are designed for long-lived tasks. Given their intensive operations, these nodes demand high CPU and memory resources. Their scalability is flexible, allowing horizontal expansion based on the volume of data ingestion.
  • Deep Storage is a component that serves as Druid’s persistent storage unit. Druid integrates with various blob storage solutions like HDFS, S3, and Google Cloud Storage.
  • Metadata Storage is the repository for crucial metadata about segments, tasks, and configurations. Druid is compatible with popular databases for this purpose, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Derby.

PostgreSQL Architecture

PostgreSQL is a client-server relational database system that uses the SQL language for querying and manipulation. It employs a process-based architecture, with each connection to the database being handled by a separate server process. This architecture provides isolation between different users and sessions. PostgreSQL supports ACID transactions and uses a combination of MVCC, WAL, and other techniques to ensure data consistency, durability, and performance. It also supports various extensions and external modules to enhance its functionality.

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Apache Druid Features

Data Ingestion

Apache Druid supports both real-time and batch data ingestion, allowing it to process data from various sources like Kafka, Hadoop, or local files. With built-in support for data partitioning, replication, and roll-up, Druid ensures high availability and efficient storage.

Scalability and Performance

Druid is designed to scale horizontally, providing support for large-scale deployments with minimal performance degradation. Its unique architecture allows for fast and efficient querying, making it suitable for use cases requiring low-latency analytics.

Columnar Storage

Druid stores data in a columnar format, enabling better compression and faster query performance compared to row-based storage systems. Columnar storage also allows Druid to optimize queries by only accessing relevant columns.

Time-optimized Indexing

Druid’s indexing service creates segments with time-based partitioning, optimizing data storage and retrieval for time-series data. This feature significantly improves query performance for time-based queries. Data Rollups

Druid’s data rollup feature aggregates raw data during ingestion, reducing storage requirements and improving query performance. This feature is particularly beneficial for use cases involving high-cardinality data or large volumes of similar data points.

PostgreSQL Features


PostgreSQL allows users to define custom data types, operators, and functions, making it highly adaptable to specific application requirements.

PostgreSQL has built-in support for full-text search, enabling users to perform complex text-based queries and analyses.

Geospatial support

With the PostGIS extension, PostgreSQL can store and manipulate geospatial data, making it suitable for GIS applications.

Apache Druid Use Cases

Geospatial Analysis

Apache Druid provides support for geospatial data and queries, making it suitable for use cases that involve location-based data, such as tracking the movement of assets, analyzing user locations, or monitoring the distribution of events. Its ability to efficiently process large volumes of geospatial data enables users to gain insights and make data-driven decisions based on location information.

Machine Learning and AI

Druid’s high-performance data processing capabilities can be leveraged for preprocessing and feature extraction in machine learning and AI workflows. Its support for real-time data ingestion and low-latency querying make it suitable for use cases that require real-time predictions or insights, such as recommendation systems or predictive maintenance.

Real-Time Analytics

Apache Druid’s low-latency querying and real-time data ingestion capabilities make it an ideal solution for real-time analytics use cases, such as monitoring application performance, user behavior, or business metrics.

PostgreSQL Use Cases

Enterprise applications

PostgreSQL is a popular choice for large-scale enterprise applications due to its reliability, performance, and feature set.

GIS applications

With the PostGIS extension, PostgreSQL can be used for storing and analyzing geospatial data in applications like mapping, routing, and geocoding.

OLTP workloads

As a relational database, PostgreSQL is a good fit for pretty much any application that involves transactional workloads.

Apache Druid Pricing Model

Apache Druid is an open source project, and as such, it can be self-hosted at no licensing cost. However, organizations that choose to self-host Druid will incur expenses related to infrastructure, management, and support when deploying and operating Druid in their environment. These costs will depend on the organization’s specific requirements and the chosen infrastructure, whether it’s on-premises or cloud-based.

For those who prefer a managed solution, there are cloud services available that offer Apache Druid as a managed service, such as Imply Cloud. With managed services, the provider handles infrastructure, management, and support, simplifying the deployment and operation of Druid. Pricing for these managed services will vary depending on the provider and the selected service tier, which may include factors such as data storage, query capacity, and data ingestion rates.

PostgreSQL Pricing Model

PostgreSQL is open source software, and there are no licensing fees associated with its use. However, costs can arise from hardware, hosting, and operational expenses when deploying a self-managed PostgreSQL server. Several cloud-based managed PostgreSQL services, such as Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL, offer different pricing models based on factors like storage, computing resources, and support.