Telegraf 1.22.1 maintenance release includes faster tests and improved error messaging

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This new maintenance release for Telegraf is available now.


  • We addressed an issue that was causing the agent to fail silently by fixing the default value for the logfile rotation interval.

Input plugin updates

Output plugin updates

  • HTTP Output
    • The HTTP output plugin error message now includes a full response body.
    • We switched the 100 codes for test cases in the HTTP output plugin.

Serializer  plugin updates

  • TopK Processor
    • We added clarity to plugin docs that using the k and fields parameters together will determine the total number of results.

New external plugins

  • PSI input
    • Gathers pressure stall information PSI from the Linux Kernel.


  • Update from 0.9.3 to 0.11.0
  • Update from 4.2.0 to 4.4.1
  • Update gopsutil and associated dependencies for improved OpenBSD support

Head to our Downloads page to get the latest Telegraf release. If you find issues or have questions, please join our InfluxDB Community Slack, post them in our InfluxDB GitHub Repo or our Community site, and we will take a look.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in being included in testing bug fixes and features for plugins and systems you are using. Telegraf maintainers will tag you on pull requests to test artifacts. This will help us better address bugs that may arise after a release.