InfluxDB releases new sample config files and hyper-threading CPU tags with Telegraf 1.23.0

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A new feature-bearing release for Telegraf is now available:

The binaries for the latest Telegraf release can be found on our Downloads page.

Many thanks to the 40+ open source community members who contributed to this effort!

Key features

Generate Telegraf plugins sample configuration file

  • The sample.conf files for the different plugins are now embedded into the Golang code by the go compiler. Furthermore, the same file is also embedded into the file.
  • This avoids needing to maintain the sample config in two different spots: the and the code. This will lead to removing 11,000 lines of duplicate sample configuration from our source code that we no longer have to maintain.
  • As an additional benefit for the end user, you can simply download and use the sample.conf file with Telegraf. No more to copy-and-paste the sample configuration from the

Enhanced the HTTP output plugin enabling it to authenticate against a Google API protected by the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

  • Adding a google_application_credentials setting to the HTTP output plugin to be used with Google Cloud APIs. It specifies the json key file. Learn more about creating Google service accounts in their documentation.
  • This setting can be used for a metrics proxy deployed to Google Cloud Run.
  • Contributed by Home Depot (thanks Casey and Zach!).

Added core and physical ID to the CPU input plugin

  • We added an opt-in setting to enable core_id and physical_id tags that contain information about physical CPU or cores in cases of hyper-threading.
  • Contributed by Martin Molnar.

New inputs

  • Slab Input Plugin (slab)
    • This plugin collects details on how much memory each entry in Slab cache is consuming. Contributed by @bobuhiro11.

New external plugins


Head to our Downloads page to get the latest Telegraf release. If you find issues or have questions, please join our InfluxDB Community Slack, post them in our InfluxDB GitHub Repo or our Community Site, and we will take a look.

InfluxDB University

Learn more about collecting data with Telegraf by taking the free InfluxDB University Data Collection with Telegraf course.

Call for testing

Please fill out this form if you are interested in being included in testing bug fixes and features for plugins and systems you are using. Telegraf maintainers will tag you on pull requests to test artifacts. This will help us better address bugs that may arise after a release.