Container Journal | InfluxData Gives Prometheus Monitoring a Real-Time Analytics Edge
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Jan 02, 2018
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Publication: Container Journal Title: InfluxData Gives Prometheus Monitoring a Real-Time Analytics Edge Author: Mike Vizard
Abstract: In this Container Journal article, Mike Vizard discusses how InfluxData supports the Prometheus standard exposition format though integration with Prometheus service discovery and scraping into Kapacitor, and metric read/write application programming interface (API) interoperability with InfluxDB. Vizard discusses how many DevOps teams spend more time determining the source of the problem than it takes to solve it. He quotes InfluxData CMO Mark Herring on why “having access to time-stamped data substantially reduces the amount of time and effort required to determine the source of any specific issue,” particularly in the context of a rise in the number of instances where DevOps teams need access to real-time data analytics.