InfluxDB Week in Review Nov 7, 2016
Mika Meyer /
Nov 07, 2016
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In this post we'll recap the most interesting InfluxDB related content you may have missed in the last week or so.
Announcements, Blogs, Videos and How-Tos
- BLOG: Viewing Metrics: Grafana, InfluxDB and Collectd
- VIDEO: Matthias Endler - Protector - a circuit breaker for InfluxDB
- We're Going to GrafanaCon 2016
- Multi-tenant support for Grafana available on InfluxDB Cloud
- TL;DR InfluxDB Tech Tips – Nov. 3
- InfluxDB Hands-on Workshops: Dec. 13, 2016 - San Francisco, CA
- FREE Virtual Training Playback Archive
- FREE "Migrating from InfluxDB 0.8 and Up to 1.0" webinar - Nov. 10
- FREE "Understanding Continuous Queries & Retention Policies" webinar - Nov. 17
Multi-tenant support for Grafana available on InfluxDB Cloud
Due to the great feedback from our customers, we are excited to announce that we are adding dedicated instances of Grafana to InfluxDB Cloud. We know that the data our customers collect about their applications and services is powerful, and that allowing configurable access to different groups and users in their organization to view this information with their own dashboards extends this power.
ReproConnect needed the ability to collect real-time data about anything & everything pertaining to their software - from server infrastructure system stats to application log data and customized end-user event-driven metrics. They wanted one centralized system for storage of all the aggregated data. This system had to be fast, reliable, and simple to setup. InfluxDB, Telegraf and its custom plugins were able to meet those needs. A central dashboard was designed using Grafana and where fully customizable notifications were a must, Kapacitor fit the bill.
ReproConnect provides project distribution & document management solutions to the Reprographics industry. The software as a service powers hundreds of online planrooms across the country. ReproConnect offers reprographers the ability to quickly, easily receive files from customers, post projects online, send out invitations to bid, and more. All of ReproConnect’s infrastructure is hosted and managed with AWS, from dozens of EC2 instances powering the servers and RDS database clusters, to S3 storing terabytes of high resolution full size blueprints & project documents.
Happiest Minds created a python script to get information like target, files, bytes and duration, using InfluxDB. They used the information they gathered, integrated with Chronograf and Grafana to check if the upload was successful and the data collected matched. Happiest Minds also installed the Kapacitor plugin and created several scenarios to check the success of the monitoring. They found the product to be one of the most successful and efficient monitoring systems.
Happiest Minds built a monitoring solution to track the activity between a VM to a cloud storage gateway. The types of metrics being gathered and acted upon are: amount of data uploaded, # of files transferred, how long it takes to upload to the target etc. In addition, the solution uses this information to find any mismatches to determine if there are issues that need to be addressed.
Mas Ingenieros is currently is using InfluxDB to collect data from different systems and machines for a floor tile manufacturer they’re currently working with. The most compelling feature of InfluxDB for their current project was the large amounts of data that can be used at one time. They’re used to older database programs and it’s clear to them that InfluxDB is at a higher level. They also use Grafana to show graphics with great results.
Mas Ingenieros is an industrial consulting company that offers a range of different services based on the need of the client.
Claim your InfluxDB Hoodie
Does your company have an application or product that uses InfluxDB in production? We’d love to feature it on and give you a shout out on social media. As a “thank you” gift, we’ll send you an InfluxDB hoodie and a pack of stickers. Just fill out this simple form at the bottom of the page and we’ll let you know when your entry is live and the hoodie is in the mail. Drop us a line at [email protected] if you have any questions. Thanks for the support!