IDG Connect | InfluxData puts a time stamp on the data deluge
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Oct 14, 2019
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Publication: IDG Connect Title: InfluxData puts a time stamp on the data deluge Author: Martin Veitch
Abstract: This IDG Connect article by Martin Veitch covers the value of time series data in an age when “anything with a chip in it are creating gargantuan data streams and they’re all game for mining.” Veitch chats with VP of Product Management at InfluxData, Tim Hall, on what constitutes time series data and why a key strength of InfluxData is usability and devs being able to get up to speed quickly. The author concludes by mentioning that InfluxData is a “timely entrant in a market that is little known to outsiders but could be about to become very significant at a moment in time when it’s raining data.”