TechRepublic | How to install a TIG stack on Ubuntu 18.04

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Publication: TechRepublic Title: How to install a TIG stack on Ubuntu 18.04 Author: Jack Wallen

Abstract: In this article, published by TechRepublic, Jack Wallen provides a tutorial on installing an admin-friendly server stack he calls TIG (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana). Wallen begins by noting that system admins are always seeking ways to access more and better data about their servers and that TIG is a powerful option when the concerned servers in question are the Linux sort. Then Wallen provides a walkthrough of the steps involved: from the starting requirements, to updating/upgrading Ubuntu, installing the database, installing and configuring Telegraf, installing Grafana, and finally, setting up your data source and dashboard. Click the button to read the full article.


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