Dylan Ferreira is the Principal SRE at Absolute Software who is passionate about fixing the root cause of any problem. His goal at Vipre is to ensure that their service is faster and more reliable through tooling, automation, and operations best practices. He is an expert in automating large-scale server deployments and is driven to learn and use the latest and greatest technologies.
Recent Articles/Talks:
Finding OOMS in Legacy Systems with the Syslog Telegraf Plugin – at InfluxDays San Francisco 2018
How FuseMail Keeps Their Secure Email Service Performant with InfluxDB
Available for:
- Speaking Opportunites
- Meetups
- Technology Discussions
- InfluxDB
- Telegraf
- Kapacitor
- Grafana
- Prometheus
Vancouver, BC
Programming Language:
- Golang
- Python