OPC UA and PostgreSQL Integration

Powerful performance with an easy integration, powered by Telegraf, the open source data connector built by InfluxData.


This is not the recommended configuration for real-time query at scale. For query and compression optimization, high-speed ingest, and high availability, you may want to consider OPC UA and InfluxDB.


Telegraf downloads


Time series database
Source: DB Engines


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Table of Contents

Powerful Performance, Limitless Scale

Collect, organize, and act on massive volumes of high-velocity data. Any data is more valuable when you think of it as time series data. with InfluxDB, the #1 time series platform built to scale with Telegraf.

See Ways to Get Started

Input and output integration overview

The OPC UA plugin provides an interface for retrieving data from OPC UA server devices, facilitating effective data collection and monitoring.

The Telegraf PostgreSQL plugin allows you to efficiently write metrics to a PostgreSQL database while automatically managing the database schema.

Integration details


The OPC UA Plugin retrieves data from devices that communicate using the OPC UA protocol, allowing you to collect and monitor data from your OPC UA servers.


This plugin writes metrics to PostgreSQL (or a compatible database) and manages the schema, automatically updating missing columns.



  ## Metric name
  # name = "opcua"
  ## OPC UA Endpoint URL
  # endpoint = "opc.tcp://localhost:4840"
  ## Maximum time allowed to establish a connect to the endpoint.
  # connect_timeout = "10s"
  ## Maximum time allowed for a request over the established connection.
  # request_timeout = "5s"

  # Maximum time that a session shall remain open without activity.
  # session_timeout = "20m"
  ## Security policy, one of "None", "Basic128Rsa15", "Basic256",
  ## "Basic256Sha256", or "auto"
  # security_policy = "auto"
  ## Security mode, one of "None", "Sign", "SignAndEncrypt", or "auto"
  # security_mode = "auto"
  ## Path to cert.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn't "None".
  ## If cert path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # certificate = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  ## Path to private key.pem. Required when security mode or policy isn't "None".
  ## If key path is not supplied, self-signed cert and key will be generated.
  # private_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Authentication Method, one of "Certificate", "UserName", or "Anonymous".  To
  ## authenticate using a specific ID, select 'Certificate' or 'UserName'
  # auth_method = "Anonymous"
  ## Username. Required for auth_method = "UserName"
  # username = ""
  ## Password. Required for auth_method = "UserName"
  # password = ""
  ## Option to select the metric timestamp to use. Valid options are:
  ##     "gather" -- uses the time of receiving the data in telegraf
  ##     "server" -- uses the timestamp provided by the server
  ##     "source" -- uses the timestamp provided by the source
  # timestamp = "gather"
  ## Client trace messages
  ## When set to true, and debug mode enabled in the agent settings, the OPCUA
  ## client's messages are included in telegraf logs. These messages are very
  ## noisey, but essential for debugging issues.
  # client_trace = false
  ## Include additional Fields in each metric
  ## Available options are:
  ##   DataType -- OPC-UA Data Type (string)
  # optional_fields = []
  ## Node ID configuration
  ## name              - field name to use in the output
  ## namespace         - OPC UA namespace of the node (integer value 0 thru 3)
  ## identifier_type   - OPC UA ID type (s=string, i=numeric, g=guid, b=opaque)
  ## identifier        - OPC UA ID (tag as shown in opcua browser)
  ## tags              - extra tags to be added to the output metric (optional); deprecated in 1.25.0; use default_tags
  ## default_tags      - extra tags to be added to the output metric (optional)
  ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
  ## Inline notation (default_tags not supported yet)
  # nodes = [
  #   {name="", namespace="", identifier_type="", identifier="", tags=[["tag1", "value1"], ["tag2", "value2"]},
  #   {name="", namespace="", identifier_type="", identifier=""},
  # ]
  ## Bracketed notation
  # [[inputs.opcua.nodes]]
  #   name = "node1"
  #   namespace = ""
  #   identifier_type = ""
  #   identifier = ""
  #   default_tags = { tag1 = "value1", tag2 = "value2" }
  # [[inputs.opcua.nodes]]
  #   name = "node2"
  #   namespace = ""
  #   identifier_type = ""
  #   identifier = ""
  ## Node Group
  ## Sets defaults so they aren't required in every node.
  ## Default values can be set for:
  ## * Metric name
  ## * OPC UA namespace
  ## * Identifier
  ## * Default tags
  ## Multiple node groups are allowed
  ## Group Metric name. Overrides the top level name.  If unset, the
  ## top level name is used.
  # name =
  ## Group default namespace. If a node in the group doesn't set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # namespace =
  ## Group default identifier type. If a node in the group doesn't set its
  ## namespace, this is used.
  # identifier_type =
  ## Default tags that are applied to every node in this group. Can be
  ## overwritten in a node by setting a different value for the tag name.
  ##   example: default_tags = { tag1 = "value1" }
  # default_tags = {}
  ## Node ID Configuration.  Array of nodes with the same settings as above.
  ## Use either the inline notation or the bracketed notation, not both.
  ## Inline notation (default_tags not supported yet)
  # nodes = [
  #  {name="node1", namespace="", identifier_type="", identifier=""},
  #  {name="node2", namespace="", identifier_type="", identifier=""},
  ## Bracketed notation
  # [[inputs.opcua.group.nodes]]
  #   name = "node1"
  #   namespace = ""
  #   identifier_type = ""
  #   identifier = ""
  #   default_tags = { tag1 = "override1", tag2 = "value2" }
  # [[inputs.opcua.group.nodes]]
  #   name = "node2"
  #   namespace = ""
  #   identifier_type = ""
  #   identifier = ""

  ## Enable workarounds required by some devices to work correctly
  # [inputs.opcua.workarounds]
    ## Set additional valid status codes, StatusOK (0x0) is always considered valid
  # additional_valid_status_codes = ["0xC0"]

  # [inputs.opcua.request_workarounds]
    ## Use unregistered reads instead of registered reads
  # use_unregistered_reads = false


# Publishes metrics to a postgresql database
  ## Specify connection address via the standard libpq connection string:
  ##   host=... user=... password=... sslmode=... dbname=...
  ## Or a URL:
  ##   postgres://[user[:password]]@localhost[/dbname]?sslmode=[disable|verify-ca|verify-full]
  ## See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING
  ## All connection parameters are optional. Environment vars are also supported.
  ## All supported vars can be found here:
  ##  https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-envars.html
  ## Non-standard parameters:
  ##   pool_max_conns (default: 1) - Maximum size of connection pool for parallel (per-batch per-table) inserts.
  ##   pool_min_conns (default: 0) - Minimum size of connection pool.
  ##   pool_max_conn_lifetime (default: 0s) - Maximum age of a connection before closing.
  ##   pool_max_conn_idle_time (default: 0s) - Maximum idle time of a connection before closing.
  ##   pool_health_check_period (default: 0s) - Duration between health checks on idle connections.
  # connection = ""

  ## Postgres schema to use.
  # schema = "public"

  ## Store tags as foreign keys in the metrics table. Default is false.
  # tags_as_foreign_keys = false

  ## Suffix to append to table name (measurement name) for the foreign tag table.
  # tag_table_suffix = "_tag"

  ## Deny inserting metrics if the foreign tag can't be inserted.
  # foreign_tag_constraint = false

  ## Store all tags as a JSONB object in a single 'tags' column.
  # tags_as_jsonb = false

  ## Store all fields as a JSONB object in a single 'fields' column.
  # fields_as_jsonb = false

  ## Name of the timestamp column
  ## NOTE: Some tools (e.g. Grafana) require the default name so be careful!
  # timestamp_column_name = "time"

  ## Type of the timestamp column
  ## Currently, "timestamp without time zone" and "timestamp with time zone"
  ## are supported
  # timestamp_column_type = "timestamp without time zone"

  ## Templated statements to execute when creating a new table.
  # create_templates = [
  #   '''CREATE TABLE {{ .table }} ({{ .columns }})''',
  # ]

  ## Templated statements to execute when adding columns to a table.
  ## Set to an empty list to disable. Points containing tags for which there is no column will be skipped. Points
  ## containing fields for which there is no column will have the field omitted.
  # add_column_templates = [
  #   '''ALTER TABLE {{ .table }} ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS {{ .columns|join ", ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS " }}''',
  # ]

  ## Templated statements to execute when creating a new tag table.
  # tag_table_create_templates = [
  #   '''CREATE TABLE {{ .table }} ({{ .columns }}, PRIMARY KEY (tag_id))''',
  # ]

  ## Templated statements to execute when adding columns to a tag table.
  ## Set to an empty list to disable. Points containing tags for which there is no column will be skipped.
  # tag_table_add_column_templates = [
  #   '''ALTER TABLE {{ .table }} ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS {{ .columns|join ", ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS " }}''',
  # ]

  ## The postgres data type to use for storing unsigned 64-bit integer values (Postgres does not have a native
  ## unsigned 64-bit integer type).
  ## The value can be one of:
  ##   numeric - Uses the PostgreSQL "numeric" data type.
  ##   uint8 - Requires pguint extension (https://github.com/petere/pguint)
  # uint64_type = "numeric"

  ## When using pool_max_conns>1, and a temporary error occurs, the query is retried with an incremental backoff. This
  ## controls the maximum backoff duration.
  # retry_max_backoff = "15s"

  ## Approximate number of tag IDs to store in in-memory cache (when using tags_as_foreign_keys).
  ## This is an optimization to skip inserting known tag IDs.
  ## Each entry consumes approximately 34 bytes of memory.
  # tag_cache_size = 100000

  ## Enable & set the log level for the Postgres driver.
  # log_level = "warn" # trace, debug, info, warn, error, none

Input and output integration examples


  1. Basic Configuration: Set up the plugin with your OPC UA server endpoint and desired metrics. This allows Telegraf to start gathering metrics from the configured nodes.

  2. Node ID Setup: Use the configuration to specify specific nodes, such as temperature sensors, to monitor their values in real-time. For example, configure node ns=3;s=Temperature to gather temperature data directly.

  3. Group Configuration: Simplify monitoring multiple nodes by grouping them under a single configuration—this sets defaults for all nodes in that group, thereby reducing redundancy in setup.


  1. Monitoring Database Performance: You can use this plugin to regularly send metrics on PostgreSQL performance such as active connections, query performance, and resource usage, allowing for better monitoring and optimization of your database.

  2. Integrating with TimescaleDB: If you’re using TimescaleDB for time-series data storage, this plugin can help you write metrics directly into a hypertable. This allows you to benefit from TimescaleDB’s advanced time-series capabilities while leveraging standard PostgreSQL features.

  3. Data Archiving: Create a long-term data archiving solution where you can push metrics into PostgreSQL for historical analysis. The plugin’s support for JSONB allows you to store complex data structures directly into a single column, making retrieval efficient.


Thank you for being part of our community! If you have any general feedback or found any bugs on these pages, we welcome and encourage your input. Please submit your feedback in the InfluxDB community Slack.

Powerful Performance, Limitless Scale

Collect, organize, and act on massive volumes of high-velocity data. Any data is more valuable when you think of it as time series data. with InfluxDB, the #1 time series platform built to scale with Telegraf.

See Ways to Get Started

Related Integrations

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Kafka and InfluxDB Integration

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Kinesis and InfluxDB Integration

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