InfluxData Downloads

The next generation of InfluxDB is here.
Check out the Getting Started guide.

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InfluxDB 2.x Open Source Time Series Database

InfluxDB is an open source time series database. It has everything you need from a time series platform in a single binary – a multi-tenanted time series database, UI and dashboarding tools, background processing and monitoring agent. All this makes deployment and setup a breeze and easier to secure.

The InfluxDB Platform also includes APIs, tools, and an ecosystem that includes 10 client and server libraries, Telegraf plugins, visualization integrations with Grafana, Google Data Studio, and data sources integrations with Google Bigtable, BigQuery, and more.

Documentation | Release Notes | Register Download

Telegraf open source data collector

Telegraf is a plugin-driven server agent for collecting and sending metrics and events from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. Telegraf is written in Go and compiles into a single binary with no external dependencies, and requires a very minimal memory footprint.

With 300+ plugins already written by subject matter experts on the data in the community, it is easy to start collecting metrics from your endpoints.

For additional architecture (e.g. i386, riscv64, etc.) and operating system (e.g BSD, etc.) downloads please see the Telegraf GitHub Releases page.

Documentation | Release Notes

IDE Extensions

InfluxData prides itself on its effort to prioritize developer happiness. This included providing developers with a variety of tools to interact with InfluxDB v2 OSS or InfluxDB Cloud, so they can pick the development style that works best for them. We're starting with the VS Code community.


InfluxDB v3 influxctl

InfluxDB v2 Cloud CLI

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Developer Education

Free training for time series app developers.