Capital One Financial Corporation is a bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking and savings products headquartered in McLean, Virginia. Capital One is ranked 11th on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets.
Time series data at Capital One consists of Infrastructure, Application, and Business Process metrics. The combination of these metrics are what the internal stakeholders rely on for observability which allows them to deliver better service and uptime for their customers, so protecting this critical data with a proven and tested recovery plan is not a “nice to have” but a “must have.”
The IT team at Capital One use InfluxDB to store and visualize all their business, infrastructure, and application metrics that are visualized in Grafana.
They built a fault-tolerant solution with full disaster recovery capabilities, based on InfluxDB Enterprise and AWS, that collects and stores metrics and events. They also use InfluxDB with their machine learning (ML) framework, whereby the collected time series is used to model predictions which are then brought back into InfluxDB for real-time access.
InfluxDays presentation
In this talk, Capital One shares how they built their fault-tolerant solution on InfluxDB Enterprise and AWS. The team shares the journey they took to architect and build this solution as well as plan and execute on their disaster recovery plan.
Reliable disaster recovery
Created fault-tolerant observability solution
Real-time visibility
Achieved a manageable ecosystem
Improved customer experience
Better service and uptime
Technologies Used
“InfluxDB is a high-speed read and write database. So think of it. The data is being written in real time, you can read in real time, and when you’re reading it, you can apply your machine learning model. So, in real time, you can forecast, and you can detect anomalies.”